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The Full Story


Hey, what's up? Feeling overwhelmed or like you are not prepared?

That's exactly how I felt when I became treasurer. I couldn't make sense of what I was given or what the next steps were. I was thrown to the wolves and felt lost. But before we start let's go over why I can help. 


I served as treasurer for my college fraternity for 2 years. We were a chapter of about 150 brothers, but I oversaw a growth from about 80 brothers to the 150 when I left office. I had to create a spreadsheet system which did not exist before and also was responsible for swapping accounting systems during my first term. I also was able to make connections with other groups such as sororities, club sports, and other clubs. This allowed me to compile many stories, and advice that I am trying to pass on to another generation of treasurers. 

Asian manager giving advice in his office


The goal is to share stories and advice from people who have completed the job to prevent the next group of treasurers from having to fight just to keep the organization running. 


The vision started with me just trying to share my own stories, but as the site has grown it became important to include as many stories as possible to give a full range of potential solutions. 

Assortment of Books
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